Thursday, February 27, 2020

Flight from Portugal Home: Not Much Fun!

Hey!  Rather than adding pictures to the 2 previous Portugal posts, I'll simply add them to this post.  That way, no one has to re-read a post.

Recap:  We flew from Toronto to Lisbon, then to Funchal, the main city in Madeira.  Purpose:  Hike and run a half marathon.

Hiking along a "Lavada" - an irrigation channel built in the 1840's to transport water to drier spots of the island.  In places they would tunnel through the mountain, rather than build the channel on the side of a cliff.  Headlamps came in handy!

Very strange!  Between 2 tunnels was this waterfall.  The strange thing was that the irrigation channel bypassed the water from the fall (?).  Perhaps this stream dried up?

As stated before, Madeira is a young island (about 5,000,000 years old) so the mountains are incredibly steep.  This picture does not show the steel stairs/ladders in the steeper parts.  I was too chicken to take photos while trying to avoid plunging to my death...

Just outside our hotel in Tavira (in the Algarves) was the "Roman Bridge".  I figure it was built before the 1950's...

The bike routes went beside salt flats.  Tavira has hundreds of lagoons that are flooded from the Atlantic ocean and then dry up, leaving a salt residue that is harvested and sold.  You might be able to pick out the salt pile in front of some 5 story buildings...

After Tavira we stayed in Cascais, about 40 minutes west of Lisbon.  We decided not to run the Cascais half marathon as we only had 3 days and wanted to hike instead of rest, run a race, then recover.  We hiked in Sintra, just north of Cascais, which has more forts, castles and palaces than in all of Canada (okay, not so hard to do).

Below is a Moorish fort, which in circa 1200 the Moores lost to the European knights in a poker game.  Note that I am taking the picture inside the fort.  It is big!

This is just somebody's home.  Not really a palace by Sintra standards.  Sintra was where the Portuguese royal family stayed, so this was likely some hanger-on's house...

The king had 2 palaces in Sintra.  This was the summer palace.  The picture was taken from the Moorish fort, so they are quite close together.  It was painted red on the north side and yellow on the south side so that people would be able to orient themselves by the palace.  One part (not sure which) is much older than the other.  The new part was built in the 1600's.  There are many similarities between the summer palace and my house in Creemore!

Okay, 2 more pictures, then I'll describe the exciting flight home...  Lisbon has so many incredible buildings, it is difficult to pick just 2 for this post.  Below is the "square" where mariners would return from exotic parts of the world and sell their wares.  The vast square is surrounded on 3 sides by the yellow building.

Another building that we visited was ridiculously huge, which this "little" church tacked on one end.  I took another picture near the end of the building, but from there it is difficult to make out the church!

Homeward Bound!

If you are enjoying a meal, you might want to read this later...

Flying these days is a tenuous adventure, what with the pandemic making us question the prudence of rubbing elbows with people from all over the world.  Imagine my dismay when 3 days before we were to fly home, I came down with a cold.  With travel restrictions changing day-to-day, I wondered if I could travel without many noticing my sickness.

Wait!  Let's make this even more exciting!  Thursday night (our flight departed at noon Friday) my nose started to bleed.  This is actually a common occurrence when I catch a cold.  The problem was, I could not get my nose to stop bleeding.  And when I say bleeding, I'm not fooling around.  If I pinched my nose (what I usually do), my mouth would fill up with blood within 5 seconds.  Not a viable situation when you can't breath through your nose!  I would rush to the nearest sink and spit out the blood, release the hold on my nose and with a dry part of the towel, reapply pressure.

After 5 long minutes of this, I asked Lee Anne to call an ambulance.  I had lost about half a litre of blood so far and my concern was that I could lose consciousness.  I wanted to walk down 3 flights of stairs to the street before feeling any weaker.  Lee Anne phoned the hotel owner, who in turn phoned the ambulance.  While sitting in a chair on the sidewalk, waiting for an ambulance, my nose finally stopped bleeding.  The ambulance drove us to a hospital that, at 10:00 PM, had a nose doctor onsite.

After a 2 hour wait, I was seen by the doctor.  He realized I had burst a blood vessel and cauterized my nose.  It is interesting to see smoke coming out of your nostril.  His English was quite good and he explained that if I was a local, he would have sent me home.  However, having learned that I planned to fly in 12 hours, he then shoved a tampon (his word) up my nose.  It didn't hurt much, but wow, was it uncomfortable.  My left eye started tearing from the pressure.  We took a taxi back to the hotel, where the owners had already cleaned our room and the kitchen sink!

After very little sleep, we thanked the hotel owners profusely for their help, then headed to the airport.  How is flying after minor surgery with a tampon shoved up your nose?  I no longer enjoy flying.  Most people can do without the airport hassle, but try breathing through your mouth for an 8 hour flight, with a terrific sinus headache.  All flights out of Lisbon on Friday morning were delayed, due to fog, so we spent close to 10 hours on the plane.  We got up on Friday at 7:00 AM (2:00 AM Toronto time) and landed in Toronto at 6:00 PM.  The headache lasted until Monday.

I was late posting all this because I have started prepping maple syrup lines.  That's my excuse!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Cascais DNS, Lisbon and Homeward Bound

The end of our 30 day venture into Portugal looms nigh and with it comes a mixture of anticipation and regret.  One month is not a sufficient time to truly experience a new country, culture and language.  As I write this, outside the window is a church with a massive dome.  It holds some famous name, but as this is our first time visiting Lisbon, we have yet to view and learn about this European landmark.  The same can be said about our stays in Madeira (a small island off the African coast belonging to Portugal), Tavira (an small city in the Algarves) and Cascais (near Sintra, the home of Portugal´s royalty).  We have barely brushed the surface of Portugal, yet we are set to travel home.

Is Portugal worth a visit?  Most definitely.  The landscapes, architecture and mild weather make it an appealing option for snow smothered Canadians.  Flights, hotels and meals are reasonably priced, compared to the rest of Europe.

Still, we are ready to travel back to the ice and snow of Creemore.  In fact, we are both of the opinion that a month is a bit long to travel.  We have been away from family, friends and haircuts for too long.  Okay, the last is my fault, as I did not earmark adequate time to get mine cut, before we set out for Portugal...

Lee Anne is getting anxious to start building pottery inventory for the upcoming shows.  I have considerable work to do, before I can fire up the maple syrup evaporator.  And the latest technology (I think it is called Snap Crackle Pop Chatting) is a pale substitute for spending time with our children and grand children.

Cascais Half Marathon:  DNS

I must admit that we were both lukewarm about running the half.  Our DNS was due more to logistics than what I like to call Ultra snobbery.   Yes, we both consider running a half marathon more as an afterthought than a true race goal.  Lee Anne has cut down her running to the point where she is running a half marathon (or longer) only 4 times per week.  I consider 21K a long run these days, but I am more embarrassed by my lousy speed than the thrill of completing another half.  We only had 3 days in Cascais, which is close to Sintra.  What is so special about Sintra?  Nothing much, aside from being the residence of the Portuguese royal family.  The last king died in circa 1908.  As such, it has more palaces than in all of Canada.  Oh, it also has a Moorish fort, which is close to the size of Creemore.  I´ve never seen so many stairs!

So our option was to take 3 days to recover and run the half, or visit some of the most interesting structures built between 950 and 1850.  Hmm...  Pictures will be added next week.

Before experiencing a country with a language that is new to me, I like to make some effort to learn the basics.  It is polite to at least try to communicate in the host country´s language.  Problem:  I know English quite well, a solid base in French and a smattering of Spanish.  The latter is the problem.  Portuguese is quite close to, but not exactly, Spanish.  In Portugal, I found myself continuously mixing up Spanish and Portuguese.  And even the Portuguese admit that their language is not easy to learn.  How do you say "The" in Portuguese?  You have 4 choices:  A, O, As or Os.  Unfortunately, you can´t simply pick one and move on.  Too easy!  "A" is used for singular feminine, such as "A Mulhere" (sp?) - The woman.  Try translating this when listening to someone fluent in Portuguese and is speaking at 3,000 words per minute...

So, in 3 days we fly back to Canadaland.  Although hard to keep in mind, we are both retired.  Regardless, we both have impressive itineraries waiting for us in Creemore.  We will be visiting 312 family and friends.  We will miss my daughter Brittany´s birthday, who turns 30 tomorrow.  Happy birthday Brit!  I need to help Lee Anne reactivate the pottery studio.  She needs to start making pottery.  I removed several of the maple sap lines as there was a chance the maple bush would be logged while we were away.  It is marked and is now under the forest management program.  I need to rebuild the lines.

I need a haircut.