Thursday, February 10, 2022

I Keep Checking My Watch

Well, 2 years into the pandemic and we continue to endure restrictions.  Don't get me wrong - we need the restrictions to slow the transmission rate and avoid inundating our medical system.  However, the more Canadians that are vaccinated, the sooner the restrictions can be lifted.  And it doesn't bode well for the unvaccinated when restrictions are finally lifted.  Covid is very successful in infecting humans.  To the few people out there who are not virologists, this means that the unvaccinated will eventually contract Covid.  The current metrics indicate that this will take upwards of another 3 years.  The way I see it, get vaccinated or at least write your will.

Although this will sound like a repeat of last year's predictions, I'm guessing/hoping that the current surge could be the last with restrictions.  We will continue to encounter surges, but these should not have a great impact on the vaccinated, as we will only experience Flu-like symptoms.  Which brings me to the important part of this post...  Racing.

In 2021, I attended only one race, and it was virtual.  I ran 28K by myself, in order to complete The Limberlost Challenge.  There were considerably more hills than I remember, likely because instead of running the course, I ran up and down the Niagara Escarpment near my house.  Coincidentally, it took me quite a bit longer to complete, than in previous years.

For 2022, the OUTRace series has again been cancelled.  This is not yet official, so only tell your mother.  Oh yes, of course you can tell your husband - that goes without saying.  Absolutely not, brother-in-laws are right out.  I have signed up for Pick Your Poison, although that is a lie.  I am on the waiting list.  Of course I had inside information - specifically the race director informed us (the OUTRace executive) of the date when registration would open.  I signed on the next day and was the last name on the waiting list!  I'll go out on a limb and predict that many of the races will sell out in 2022, directly after I have signed up.  Please note the last part.

Hopefully most restrictions will be lifted by the summer and we can sign up for a race or three.  I have not yet sent a mass email to OUTRacers, but will wait until closer to the first race (Pick Your Poison).  The reasoning is that by mid-April, we will have a better idea of how the race season will transpire.

There is a new race in the series called Forest Lea, near Pembroke on August 6.  Information about the race is currently going up on the website - it should be there soon!  I hope to attend a few of the races in the series that I have not yet experienced.

I have no away races planned, as travelling is still a questionable endeavor.  Just before the latest travel restrictions were issued, I booked a trip to a resort in Mexico.  I'm not a big fan of resorts and prefer travelling and hiking in more remote terrain, but the central concept was to vacation with two of my daughters, one son-in-law and 2 grandchildren.  It was fun, but travelling is not an enjoyable experience just now.  Flying is fine, but I dread spending time in airports.  It took about 14 hours from the time we left the resort until we got home.  The flight was 3 hours and a good chunk of the remaining 11 hours was spent in airports.

Stay safe and enjoy the snow!  If there is no snow where you are, please don't mention it to me :)
