Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Confusion Reigns Supreme!

Okay, I've been very very bad this week.  I had hoped to run Haliburton or with Ron Irwin (West Grey Runner) who scheduled quality time yesterday on the Bruce Trail at Beaver Valley.  Guess what?  Time commitments precluded both endeavors as I needed to complete the firewood supply for one of my sisters and myself, before starting a new pottery studio for Lee Anne this coming weekend.  Today is Lee Anne's first official day of retirement!  She is looking forward to once again becoming a professional potter, after teaching primary classes for 27 years.

So, firewood, pottery studio and running.  Did I mention I work for a living?  I know, my priorities are running, thinking about running, writing about running and way down the list, "other"...  To be fair, this week I have been writing an article on the West Highland Way in Scotland.  Lee Anne and I hiked the Way in August.  Inspiring scenery, epic hiking and a wonderful way to see Scotland.  There is also a race that follows the 95 mile Way.  I hope to post soon.

At some point I need to post on my injury list.  The task is surprisingly daunting, as I have been running for 38 years and was also active in sports that are usually not considered sedentary in nature.  While playing Rugby for Waterloo University, my teammate's ear became infected after having been partially torn off.  He needed a note to play against McMaster, but his Doctor knew little of the sport.  He convinced the doctor that Rugby was similar to tennis, and was granted a doctor's note to play!  Similar to running, denial is a large component of high-impact sports...

For fun, let's start with the left knee:  Operation to remove cartilage (embarrassingly enough, it was high school basketball), damaged ACL (chainsaw), torn petellar tendon (rugby), ripped quadricep (Swiss saw), IT band (running) and knee strain (arthritis).  I jokingly state that my left knee is the good one!  Enough frivolity, I better call it a night...

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