Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mayan Calendar and Running

You know what?  Let's skip the obvious analogies between my struggles with running and the impending ending to the Mayan calendar...

I have been detailing a new strategy for running with a gammy knee.  Running every third day seems to work best.  I still dream of back-to-back runs, but upon waking the next morning, walking is difficult, so running would be unwise.  The next day, I could run, but based on the knee pain, not a great idea.  I have run the second day and it doesn't seem to make things worse, but it does prolong the pain.

Running in Creemore just now is quite enjoyable.  There is 4 - 6 inches of snow and no drifts, so the trails are considerably tougher than in the summer, but very manageable.  The pace is slow (slower?) which translates into a requirement for less concentration on the trails.  One can look about, enjoy the river and wildlife, enjoy the views.

Lee Anne has tossed her hat into the RD ring.  She will organize the Copper Kettle Dash, a 5K run and walk, and a 10K run, during Creemore's Copper Kettle festival.  The festival is organized by Creemore Springs Brewery during August.  Should be a fun event!  Details on the festival:

So, we are now involved in several races and fun runs!  Aside from the CKD and the Creemore Vertical Challenge, we also help to organize the Creemore Snow Run (Feb. 4) and the OUS Spring Warm-up (April 14).  2012 should be a fun year.

One maxim in advertising is to turn a drawback into a positive.  Neil Jefferson (RD for The Limberlost Challenge) and I did just that when we realised our races (Creemore and Limberlost) would be scheduled only 1 week apart.  This is tough for those running the 25/28K distances, but quite a "challenge" for those running 50K at Creemore, followed one week later by 56K at Limberlost.

The Ultra Challenge Challenge!

Yep!  2 challenging ultra races, 1 week apart.  Simply complete both races and you will be awarded the much coveted and incredibly beautiful (can you tell that I made them?) UCC medal.  Furthermore, there will be 6 prizes (top 3, M & F) for the best combined times.  Details to follow (once we figure out the logistics), but I can only envision the envy and admiration when a fellow runner sees the UCC award on your medal wall...

Well, the year draws to a close and I would like to wish everyone success in 2012.  Success in your running pursuits of course.  Everything else (career, family, health, prosperity) is merely living, and thus secondary...  Okay, perhaps there are aspects of living more important than running, but running certainly helps with life's issues.


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