Saturday, November 17, 2012

Creemore 100 Mile Training Run

Practice makes perfect, so in order to prepare for a 100 mile race, it is important to preview as many facets of the race as possible.  This applies mainly to the runners, but is also important for pacers, volunteers and the race directors.

A training run also helps with the last minute details.  Do we need a port-a-potty for 30 runners?  Not necessarily, but what about the 20+ pacers and 25+ volunteers?  Suddenly my cute little bathroom looks ill equipped to handle 75+ people over the weekend!  There was also some secret details to discuss and what better place than the anonymity of the trail?

The nicest aspect of a training run is that it is a chance for runners, pacers, volunteers etc. to get out for a run, but also spend some time socializing after a "short" (only 6 hours!) run.  This typically does not happen after a 100 miler, as everyone is cold and tired.  A bed has more appeal than sharing a glass of wine with a friend!  So we sat after the training run for a surprisingly long time, discussing the beautiful weather (it was sunny and 8C) and the upcoming race.

I am recovering from a cold that has an annoying aspect; I cough incessantly throughout the night.  I had doubts that I could run today, but gave it a try anyway.  Got in 10.6K on a beautiful day, with about 20 friends.  Could not have asked for more!  Might even go out for a repeat tomorrow.

Got some pictures, including a great shot of Jeff, Marylou, Maryka and Jodi high-fiving (yes, it's a real word, don't bother looking it up) after completing 4 or 5 loops of the course.  Also of Ron and his pacer (yes, I'm terrible with names, how did you know?):

2 weeks until race day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting us again. I really enjoyed the day and am thrilled with the course...very well though out. I am really looking forward to the 100 miler.
