Monday, January 13, 2014

Year in Review (Mirror)

Yes, many successes in 2013:

No surgery
3 ultras completed
Training is easier better smoother

Some minor inconveniences:

Training is not faster
Racing is slower
Not increasing mileage as quickly as I had hoped

Synopsis:  Running is going well, could be better, could be a lot worse.

My doctor (2012 knee surgery) asked me if I would consider not running anymore.  I replied emphatically YES!  I would consider it.  Then I would continue to run.  Running is actually an insidious disease much much worse than smoking heroin or tracking nicotine.  Running is "GOOD FOR YOU".  This is simply a clever way of disguising the fact that once you start running and enjoy the feeling of being in great shape, getting outside during all sorts of weather and knowing your life is simply better when running.  No one discusses what NOT running can do to people.  I understand.  Been there, writing the book.

To stop running is not really an option (see "about Pierre Marcoux").  I chuckle at people who complain that they have been injured for 3 months and haven't run well since (insert date here).  Try 10 years.  A decade.  The Roman empire took less time to establish, at least on paper.  Running offers me much more than it takes.  I don't begrudge the injuries, but I am truly thankful when I can run without pain.  I hope to run faster soon, but if that does not transpire, I could give a shit.  I will enjoy any form of running.  And I will complain about not being able to run a 50K trail race in under 5 hours, etc.  But behind all the complaints, I am very happy to run.  I am looking forward to retirement (2014-05-01).  I plan to run 2 - 3 times per hour.  Many sage runners have cautioned me about overdoing it (me???) so I will factor in their advice, then run to Quebec city or something equally circumspect.

Enough pandering to the emotive, let's get on with the review (hear hear!).  2013:

Run for R Kids:  34K.  Great race, but need to be wary of running on concrete.

Spring Warm-up (OTS/OUS):  20K  I always have fun at this event.  I will not be RD this year as I have upped the number of taps and worry about staging an event when I don't have time to sleep.

Pick Your Poison:  25K.  Slow time.  Wanted BADLY to run the 50K.  Glad I did not attempt.

Sulphur Springs:  25K.  In 2:37, which is speedy for me!  Very happy.
Legs:  Take it easy big guy.

Kingston 6 hour:  ULTRA!!!  Okay, 44K is a marginal ultra, but it is good to be back!

Niagara:  50K!  The wheels fell off due to heat issues, but 2 ultras in 2 weeks.  6:29

Creemore Vertical Challenge.  I didn't run it.  I seemed to be a bit busy...

Dirty Girls:  Did not run it either!  But volunteered.  Great event.  I highly recommend being a vollie at this race if you have any interest in a really long race.  You will learn tons!

Creemore Copper Kettle Dash:  Again, I did not run it.  Busy being assistant RD!

Run for the Toad:  50K.  A satisfactory time of 6:15.  Great event (vollied Friday), Peggy and George are incredible RD"s.

Bad Idea 50 Miler.  39K.  Great people, great course, weather...  Dunedin pale!

Across The Years:  27K  About 800K behind Yannis Kouros and Joe Fejes.  Inspiring event.  I'm now married to a former world record holder (Lee Anne Cohen, also known as the wife, W60-64 road 12 hour).

That's it!

What are we going to do next week, Pinky?

Planning for 2014!

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