Sunday, August 31, 2014

Late Night Post

It is not overly late, but I was cutting firewood all day, so it FEELS late...

Running is tough when cutting firewood.  The back hurts, the legs are bleeding, My upper body is stiff.  Do they make an Ibuprofen inhaler?  I need more power Scotty!

Lee Anne is race director for the Creemore Copper Kettle Dash, held on Saturday, August 23 in conjunction with Creemore Springs Brewery's Copper Kettle Festival.  The Dash is a 5K and 10K race.  It went well, but again participation was down.  Although much less work than the Creemore Vertical Challenge, it is still significant effort, for only 63 runners.  Holding it a fourth year is questionable.

Next Saturday (Sept. 6) I will be crewing for Lee Anne in the Pine Creek Challenge.  She was originally going to run the 100 mile race, but the course is not certified, so she will run the 100K as a long training run.  I hope to get a few miles in by pacing her.

On October 11 we are running the Canlake 50.  Again, Lee Anne will show me up by running the 50 mile, while I attempt the baby ultra (50K).  I should probably start training soon...

The Toad is a bit of a quandary, as I don't do well racing 25K the week before a 50K...  This will take some thought.

Oh well, that's it for now.  Bedtime!

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