Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Icarus Florida Ultrafest

Okay, I'm sick again.  Last time I crewed for Lee Anne it was the stomach flu.  This time, the regular flu.  I've been running a fever for 2 days.  I know that no one likes being sick, but I totally resent 2 days of down time.  Such a waste, and I have some important tasks that should be completed before long.  It is snowing heavily and I have yet to attach the snow blower to the tractor.  My car still has summer tires...  Not happy!

Speaking of not happy, Lee Anne's 100 mile attempt did not end well.  At 100+ km, she started having problems with nausea and felt tired.  Lee Anne tired?  At 9:00 PM?  Wow.  A 20 minute nap did not wake her up and by 110K, she had lost the ability and desire to keep running.  I believe the heat and humidity were a big factor.  Although 82F is "cool" by Florida standards, Lee Anne has been running in 5C temps up here in Canada.  I think she pushed too hard when she should have taken a few breaks.  Oh well, live and learn.

The Icarus Florida Ultrafest should do very well in future years.  The RD's are very accommodating, the course is ideal for PB's and the location is decent.  Yes, there are improvements that can be made, but for its inaugural year, the IFU was impressive.

I am waiting to get better, then back to building the sunroom.  I am painting the trim and preparing to lay the floor.  Hopefully completion will be next week.


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