Friday, May 13, 2016

Pick Your Poison "Bed" Report

In Ron Irwin's race report on Creemore last year, he states that after running the 50K distance 8 times, the score stands at Creemore 7, Ron 1.  Until April, I thought I understood perfectly what he meant.  That is, until I contracted the flu in April and was too sick to volunteer at Pick Your Poison.  As posted previously, I delayed the decision to sign up for either the 25K or 50K until PYP sold out.  Perfect!  I can volunteer.  For those who have not vollied at a trail race before, let me assure you that it is a LOT easier than running 50K, or even 25K.  There is also a bit of a mean streak in me that enjoys watching other people struggle in a race while I stand around and shout out "GET YOUR PRETZELS HERE!".  Fun times!

But lying in bed running a fever and wishing I could "get out there", either running or volunteering at PYP is no fun.  The flu won that round, although in my fevered state, I was trying to figure out what clothes I should wear, in order to stand at an aid station beside a ski hill for 8 hours and assist runners.  It wasn't so much common sense that kept me home, but a desire to avoid the embarrassment of asking a 50K finisher if he or she could drive me to the morgue.

And yes, the above convoluted segue is a recommendation to watch Jeff Rowthorn's Youtube PYP race report for Get Out There magazine.  Maybe I could have worn a parka?  Jeff had an impressive finish, at 7th overall.  Well done Jeff!  In 2016, GOT magazine will undertake to videotape most of the OUTRace events.  Hopefully it doesn't wear Jeff out!

Tomorrow I will attempt the 25K distance at the Seaton Soaker race.  You would think that after completing 6 ultras last year, a 25K should be a walk in the park for me, but the reality is that it might just be a walk in the park...  In the last 4 weeks, I have run further than 10K once, and it was not what I would call a quality run.  I am able to breath again, which is really important in races.  Training was abysmal, so I will run slowly and see what happens.

Preparation for the Creemore Vertical Challenge goes well, although I am still looking for 100 meters vertical, to add to the course.  This is to satisfy the minimum requirements for the Canadian Skyrunning Series.  I have my eye on a cute little hill, which I am sure people will love!



  1. " I am still looking for 100 meters vertical, to add to the course. This is to satisfy the minimum requirements for the Canadian Skyrunning Series. I have my eye on a cute little hill "

    Make that Creemore 8 Ron 1 ... yeah some folks never learn!

  2. Hey Ron! I figure with 5 hills, your score keeping needs recalibration. This year, it should be Creemore 1, Ron 0...
