Wednesday, April 25, 2012

cOlder Than Boston

This has to be a short post - battery is low.  Thought of a great phrase for the back of the T-shirts (title).  A slight dig at ATB!

Ran the PYP course on Saturday.  We are going to spend some energy this Saturday in the race!  The first 5K is easy, peaceful, gentle.  The last 7.5K requires heavy duty legs to maintain any pace.  Love it!

Saturday night we hosted Charlotte V. and Stephan and Kinga Miklos.  Char will be attempting to break her Bruce Trail record in June.  Sunday was a "trial" to help iron out kinks and cover parts of the trail where she had difficulty in 2010 (Char spent a total of 10 hours running around looking for the trail!).  Paced her near the end of the day and she seemed fresh at 65K...  Incredible!

Hope to see the gang at PYP.

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