Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Spring Warm-up: Unsinkable!

Quite a good showing for the SW, with about 30 runners and 5 who signed up just for the grand prize.  To get the suspense out of the way, Cathy Lindsay won the GP and gets free entry into most of the OTS/OUS races for 2012.  Congratulations Cathy!

The day started with some ominous black clouds overhead, but they passed through before the start of the race.  It did spatter at one point, but by then the day was warm enough that it was not much of an inconvenience.  By noon, the sun was peaking out of the clouds and almost perfect running temperature.

The course was quite dry.  Although I am fighting something, with a sore throat and a bit of hacking at night, running one loop was too tempting and might have helped the cold.  It was wonderful to meet with running friends and talk the talk.  The knee did not act up during the run (I can feel it now) and although I intended to go slowly, that did not seem to transpire.  I think subconsciously, I figured I could push a decent pace for 13K.

After we had our fill of aid station supplies, pizza, soup and refreshments, there was ample time to chat about the latest running endeavors and the upcoming season, while we waited for those running a third or fourth loop to join us.  Counting the token maple syrup, tech T-shirts and pottery, there was almost enough prizes for everyone.  Thanks to those how stayed late and helped clean up.  Joe Cleary had to get in a final loop (he really seemed to be enjoying himself on the course) so I placed a finishing medal on his cooler and took down the course.  Breaking the aid station and gathering the flags only took about 20 minutes.  I spotted Joe on the 4K downhill "shortcut" and he was in fine spirits, even though he missed out on the pizza and beer.

The SW provides a great chance to run and chat with friends before the season begins, have some pizza and a beer and come away with a prize.  but it also helps to generate funds that are pivotal in enhancing the OTS and OUS races.

A huge thanks to all who participated!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pierre,

    I found your blog while trying to find race reports for PYP. I'm racing the 25K on Saturday as well - hope to see you there!

    Love your blog - seriously, I think it's awesome how you're still running through injury (and keeping it secret from your doctor). Awesome - something I would do myself.
